Eco Agro Farm

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Crop farm consists of more than 700 ha space, surrounded by forest and rarely populated area. In this farm, only exclusively ecological crop and legume cultures are cultivated and used as bird feed in nearby poultry farm. More than 6 years ago, we earned ecological certificate which assures that our production meets the highest standards for making and selling organic products.


Farm is located in East Lithuania, nearby a small town, populated by around 700 people, called Adutiškis. From the old days, this land has been known to be agricultural. There are no industrial factories established in surroundings of this area, so the soil and air is believed to be clean and not contaminated by any chemicals.

ekologiški produktai


Farm was established in year of 2005: throughout these years of gaining agricultural knowledge and experience, today we can suggest the highest quality production.

Our goal is to put our own hands into each step of process, from planting the seed till the buyer, so we can assure a product of quality to our customer.

By constantly evolving and expanding our farm, we do not forget to consider the impact which is being made on nature. We are looking for ways to effectively dicrease the intervention into its natural processes. By our activity, we seek to become a part of the nature instead of comanding it. That is why we choose what we do at the moment: our farm with all its components is entirely ecological and assured in each step to fit the highest stardards for ecology, not only on national level, but of all the EU.

ekologiški produktai
ekologiški produktai
ekologiški produktai

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Feel free to contact us for any information related to production process, farm operation or purchase of the product.


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ekologiški produktai
ekologiški produktai


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Contact Us

Feel free to contact us for any information related to production process, farm operation or purchase of the product.

Ecoagro Farm.

Tomas Patalavičius

Rūta Patalavičiūtė

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